Training With Back Pain

In this article we will discuss training with back pain and after back surgery.

I am a patient of 2 major surgeries in my back. My first surgery was Oct 1998 .

I had a fusion and disc replacement at L4 , L5 , and S1. To include 4 titanium cages

My second surgery was Mar 2018. This surgery involved my T9 , T10 , T11 portion of my back.

The surgery included a fusion a Laminectomy. Since this surgery I have been reading a lot about back injury and training.

Some of the articles I will be referring to are :


As the doctor stated in the video. The best thing you can do is to get up and move.

Laying in bed and being stationary can lead to a whole a lot of other issues like , pneumonia and blood clots.

When doing movements to build the lower back there should be a little discomfort not lasting for more than a few mins. However if the movement activates a greater pain lasting longer then 15 mins you are going to want to seek some medical attention.

Some movements you may want to look at staying away from or switching out for a different movement.

According to

  1. Stay away from – Toe Touches
  2. Switch to – Partial Crunches
  3. Stay away from – Sit-Ups
  4.  Switch to – Hamstring Stretches
  5.  Stay away from – Leg Lifts
  6.  Switch to – Wall Sits

Some of my personal favorite movements to do deal with bridging and arching..

one being The Camel’s Hump I believe the name was changed to Cat-Cow Stretch

another one is planking. I was never very good at these but it did help a lot when I performed

them correctly.

Some things I enjoy eating to help combat pain in my back is.

Meat lean meat. I do not eat a lot of fish but I do eat a lot of free ranged organically chicken & beef

Although highly recommended to eat a lot of green vegetables I do not. I do however drink a

bottle of V8 juice a day and I eat a ton of fruits and nuts.

It is not hard to find a eating plan with a little bit of research you can formulate a pretty healthy

enjoyable eating plan. Some articles I have read are :


Written by: Raymond Cote

Raymond is not an expert and can not offer any medical advice. All of what Raymond has written has either come from personal experience or from videos and articles which some have been credited in the Article. It is Country Crush’s  intent to bring you informative , helpful , factual ways to stay healthy.


Some Youtube Videos I also found helpful